Roll & Revive: The Lower Back


Your at home self-myofascial release program for the lower back! Your program includes 60 minutes of video targeting muscle areas that support lower back health: two key lower back muscle groups and the hip flexors. A bonus video offers you instruction to use the wall. You will also receive a downloadable manuals to help guide you through the program. Perfect for those who suffer from lower back pain or stiffness and if you sit a lot in your day.


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What’s Included?

Introduction to Self-Myofascial Release:

  • Your program comes with an introductory manual, providing you background information, guidance and illustrations to help vou use the program at home with confidence & ease.

  • Includes 15 minutes of introductory videos, including:

    • Techniques & tools

    • Referred pain & fascial chains


R&R: The Lower Back - Contents

  • Your program includes the following videos:

    • Video 1: Lumbar Erectors (15 mins)

    • Video 2: Quadratus Lumborum (30 mins)

    • Video 3: Iliopsoas (20 mins)

    • Bonus 4: Using the Wall (5 minutes)


Excerpt from R&R: The Lower Back Manual

What You’ll Need:


  • In third trimester of pregnancy, stronger compression is not recommended. However this program can be used gently using the wall. Watch the “Bonus Video” before the Videos One & Two for guidance.

  • Abdominal compression should be avoided throughout pregnancy - avoid Video Three. Always seek advice from your healthcare provider when beginning any new activity during pregnancy.

  • Those with osteoporosis & osteopenia are more at risk of damaging bones with compression. While we avoid bone in releases, accidents can happen. For those with advanced osteoporosis, where fractures are possible even with gentle pressure, do not carry out myofascial release near bone. If you do releases away from bone, use the wall to apply gentle pressure. Always consult your healthcare provider before commencing a new activity that may injure fragile bones.